A Story Full of Emotions – The Day after Christmas

A Story Full of Emotions - The Day After Christmas

Emotions : Non-Spoken Feelings at the Holidays

Today is the day after Christmas. I am so full of emotions and grateful for the blessings that have been given to me over this holiday season. So, I decided to discuss the non-spoken feelings that others have about the holidays. 

There are a lot of people in this world who think that holidays are sad and overwhelming. Especially at this time of year because:

  • They miss those who have passed away
  • Someone has changed their physical presence in their life
  • An individual made bad choices in their lives so they cannot be present for the holidays
  • and the list goes on…

Although sometimes the outcome can not be changed, it is still very emotional to all involved.

Reaching Out to Those Who are Suffering

We must not forget about those who have mental illnesses such as depression, suicidal thoughts, alcohol abuse, and even physical abuse to others that are intensified during this season. No one really likes to talk about these things, but they are so real in so many lives around us. 

It is extremely hard to keep on track in our lives when we have family members or close friends that are suffering. Although I have been blessed and I wake up every day with a grateful heart for what I have. It is not easy since I do have close family members with issues. It affects our everyday lives, but we must find ways to keep a balance to stay healthy. 

On the other hand, we must not forget about those who are suffering. We need to reach out to those who are distressed and troubled by the misfortunes in their lives. 

Help Others - A Lesson from Mom

I remember when I lived down south in a military city for about twenty years. It was a diverse mixed culture community.

At times when I would drive down the road to go shopping. There always seemed to be someone who would hold a handwritten sign saying they were hungry or homeless. The sign sometimes stated they would work for food and/or money.

Although I did not know them, it broke my heart to see this. 

It would remind me of what my mother instilled in me. As I was growing up she told me to always help others whenever I could. My mother did not only tell me, but I would watch her always helping others anyway she could. Her actions impacted my life in so many ways. 

Emotions, Being Scared & Doing the Right Thing

Sometimes when I would see those unfortunate people out there with their handwritten signs, I would go to the nearest fast-food place. Then, I would get a meal and bring it back to them. Even if it was not convenient to my schedule.

Yes, sometimes I thought what am I doing. Of course, I was a little scared.  But the result of seeing them smile and thank me was a good feeling. Especially as I went about my day.

Now, I am not ignorant to the fact that some people are out there trying to get money for alcohol or drugs but if I helped just one person that truly was hungry then I did my part in life.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”

by Mahatma Gandhi 

Questions to Ask Yourself

With all that may be going on this holiday season and the new year approaching. I genuinely believe that even with obstacles in your life, you can change your way of thinking to have a more meaningful life.

Below are four questions for you to ponder on, be honest with yourself.

  • What qualities have you inherited?
  • Who are the important people in your life?
  • What one thing would you change in your life?
  • What is your new goal to be accomplish in 2023?

Crisis Hotlines

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With a caring heart, I have provided the information for those who are in crisis or if you know someone who is in crisis. 

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