Is Integrity an Important Part of Your Life Structure?

Is Integrity an Import Part of Your Life Structure?

Since integrity, morals and ethics are related, we must understand the effects that each one plays in our lives. What is integrity and how does it differ from morals and ethics? 

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary

  • Integrity: Implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge. 
  • Morals: Often describe one’s particular values concerning what is right and what is wrong. 
  • Ethics: A set of moral principles: a theory or system of moral values. 

Has Integrity Lost Its Soul to Mankind?

In the world of today, some people have forgotten the importance of these structured values. Consequently, there is much more violence towards others.

As a matter of fact, there are more people stealing, an increase in road rage violence with other drivers and against police officers. Also, there is an outcry from the public because their loved ones are being murdered by the hand of another. We cannot forget about the victims of rape, domestic violence, and the list goes on. As a result, these important life values have been pushed to the wayside.

With a caring heart, I have provided a hotline list for those who may have been a victim of crisis,            click here.

Although, from the beginning of time, these structured life value practices have been a big part of everyday life. It starts when we get up in the morning and get ready to go to work to when we put our head down on the pillow to go to sleep. 

Here are a few scenarios to provide a better understanding of how it effects our daily lives. 

Structured Life Value Practices

Scenario 1:

You wake up and do not want to go to work.

Do you call in sick because you just want to:

  • Stay in bed.
  • Do something else.
  • Just because you do not feel like it?

Your decision would be ethical or unethical depending on your moral values, your trustworthiness, commitment, and responsibility for your work relationship. 

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Scenario 2:

You are on your way to work, and you left the house late. There is no time, you must get to work. While driving you come behind a vehicle driving slowly, what do you do?

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  • Do you honk your horn?
  • Are you tailgating?
  • or Could you just go in the adjacent lane around the person?    

The Ethical and Moral Choice is Yours!

Well, that person might just be me because I do not drive more than three miles over the speed limit. The fact that I drive that way is due to my integrity and moral beliefs, despite my children’s comments and jokes when they are with me. We laugh together about it, but they are first to tell the story about my driving. Therefore, I know that I have left a good impression in their minds. It is their choice to do the right thing when they drive.

An Integrity Lesson Well Learned!

I have had my license for over fifty years and only had one ticket, knock on wood, as they say. When I was seventeen I received my ticket.

The story begins when I went to see my grandmother in the hospital due to her being very ill. I had just stepped through the door from a 45 minute drive from the hospital and the phone rang. It was the hospital telling me I needed to come back.

So, I jumped in the car and started to drive back. I was so upset, I was crying, praying, and not paying much attention to the speed I was going. The next thing I knew there was a loud voice saying, you need to pullover. The police officer said he did not care that I was crying or trying to get back to the hospital. He didn’t seem to be sensitive or understanding to my predicament. Thus, he gave me a ticket for thirteen miles over the speed limit. 

There Are No Excuses...

When I went to court the judge told me to listen to what he had to say carefully and to adhere to it going forward.

He was very compassionate towards my situation  by saying he understood that I was crying and worried about my grandmother. He stated to me that in life there are no real excuses when you do something wrong.

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You Need to have Integrity!

The judge explained that I needed to understand that in life I am accountable for my actions, I need to have respect for others, to be morally upright and keep good ethics if I want to be a worthy person with integrity in society.

At the same time, he stated that he could dismiss the ticket, but it would not teach me a lesson. He did not dismiss the ticket or the court costs. To this day, I have never forgotten the wise lesson he bestowed on me.

Scenario 3:

You just got home from a long day at work, you are exhausted.

Children Playing

The kids are jumping around for your attention and your life partner is hungry. All you want to do is sit down and take your shoes off and rest for a few minutes.

Your Life Structure is so Out of Balance! 

Everyone wants your attention, what do you do?

  • Yell shut up and leave me alone?
  • Go to your bedroom and slam the door behind you?
  • Tell your life partner that you had a long day at work; ask him if he would help you make dinner and help clean up?
  • Explain to the kids that you are very tired, and you would be pleased if they would respect your wishes. Also, you want them to have some quiet time now, and you will read them a story after dinner? 

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How does Integrity, Morals, & Ethics Play a Role?

Scenario 4:

The day has ended, you are tired and must get up early in the morning.  Knowing, you are ethically responsible for an important meeting at work.

Understandably, there are house rules that have been discussed that 10:30pm is a curfew time during the week for your teenage children.

Your teenagers are not home yet and the rules of curfew have been broken. Most importantly, they did not communicate with you that they were going to be late and did not answer their cell phone when you called them.

After awhile, they came home around 11:00pm without explaining where they were, went straight to their room and shut the door.

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Take a moment to think about this scenario before answering this question.

What Do You Do?

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Scenario 5:

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You now can go to bed; everyone is home and safe, you had a long day, and your life structure is back in balance!

Sweet Dreams!

“Allow yourself to think only those thoughts that match your principles and can bear the bright light of day. Day by day, your choices, your thoughts, your actions fashion the person you become. Your integrity determines your destiny.”

Quoted by Heraclitus

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