Is Your Life Structure Like The Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Is Your Life Structure Like the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

As your life structure leans in a certain direction, then your life will be out of control. Therefore, you need to assess, create a plan, and restructure your life. Sometimes it is not always a straightforward process, and it can make you feel uncomfortable.

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You Need to Keep Your Life Structure from Falling!

Since, we all have challenges that cause a bend in the structure of our lives. For this reason, I will share my experience of how I had to restructure my life pathway structure without prior notice. 

Adversity in Crisis

In 2013 my mother was working in her garden and by the next morning she had a stroke.  Immediately, leaving her with one side total paralyzed.

Since I grew up as an only child, there were no siblings to help me take care of my mother. I had to rely on my daughter and her young children.

I was working, staying 5-6 hours at the hospital, going home to help my daughter with her three children and then trying to get sleep.

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Redo Life Structure in a Panic

My mother was in the hospital, rehab and then a nursing home until she could come home. We had three months to accomplish the goal of bringing her home.

We restructure our pathway in life with faith and a positive attitude by:

  • closing on the house the day she came home
  • the contractor finished the handi-cap ramp one hour before we arrived home with my mother.
  • We had four generations now living in our compassionate and loving home.

“It is possible if you are dedicated and committed to restructuring your pathway in life”

Life Structure Changes - 7 Ways to Help!

1) Defining what is important in your scheme of life, it may be something that needs to be changed, your new goals going forward, aspirations, passions, family time. Oh, do not forget to add a time limit that you would like it to happen.

2) Create a new prioritized schedule: Daily – Weekly – Monthly  by using a daily planner. Click here to find inspiring and motivating daily planners. Also, categorize by using color highlighters such as:

Orange: Very Important

Yellow: Important

Red: Completed

Green: Weekly

Blue: Monthly

Purple: Daily

3) Write a “To-Do-List”, use sticky notes or index cards (white or colored), they are easy to put in your handbag as a reminder.

4) Set boundaries, do not let others tell you what is good for you. You are in charge of your own life and only you can truly live your own life.

5) Don’t be afraid to ask for help or find a mentor. 

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Life Structure Ideas, Let's Share?

6) Make sure you add time for self-time like going to get your nails done or even a haircut, partners or family members are important to add to your schedule too.

When you socialize it gives you a sense of satisfaction and encourages the release of neurotransmitters in your body and lowers the cortisol that helps with underlying stress and anxiety. Just remember the old saying “Time Flies”, when we do socialize time can get away from us.

                                                         Click here to watch an inspirational video

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7) It is time for you to step out of your comfort zone, prepare and anchor the upright structure of your life.

“Your Journey Starts Now”

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” 

Quoted by Edward Everett Hale

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2 thoughts on “Is Your Life Structure Like The Leaning Tower of Pisa?”

  1. Great analogy for your life structure! Love the tips for avoiding feeling like the leaning tower of Pisa. I look forward to reading more articles!

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